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The San Bruno Amateur Radio Club

Mesh Networks

[Draft] Migrating AREDN to BATMAN This proposal presents a plan to migrate the AREDN network from its current OLSR routing infrastructure to BATMAN. A two phase approach is presented; step one is a slow migration to nodes running a dual OLSR/BATMAN network stack, and step two is the final BATMAN only stack. During the migration process the current network remains intact; there is no “big bang” where everything changes at once and nothing works.
SFWEM-San Francisco Wireless Emergency Mesh Network-based technology permeates every aspect of our daily life, from news, to entertainment, to communication. The familiarity of these services does not change during a disaster or emergency - we still need to know what’s going on, communicate with our friends and family, and coordinate with our community. Meeting this need, the San Francisco Wireless Emergency Mesh is a volunteer-led project to build a resilient high-speed wireless network throughout the San Francisco Bay Area for use during disasters and emergencies.
San Fraancico Bay Area Mesh Map by KN6PLV This a real time mesh map of the San Francisco Bay Area provided by KN6PLV, Tim Wilkinson, Berkeley, CA
Optimized Link State Routing Protocol The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR)[1] is an IP routing protocol optimized for mobile ad hoc networks, which can also be used on other wireless ad hoc networks. OLSR is a proactive link-state routing protocol, which uses hello and topology control (TC) messages to discover and then disseminate link state information throughout the mobile ad hoc network. Individual nodes use this topology information to compute next hop destinations for all nodes in the network using shortest hop forwarding paths.
Mesh Networking Mathison Ott, KJ6DZB one of the leaders of the San Francusco Wireless Emergency Network describes the elements that go into making a mesh network including software, equipment.
B.A.T.M.A.N The Better Approach to Mobile Ad-hoc Networking (B.A.T.M.A.N.) is a routing protocol for multi-hop mobile ad hoc networks which is under development by the German "Freifunk" community and intended to replace the Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR). B.A.T.M.A.N.'s crucial point is the decentralization of knowledge about the best route through the network — no single node has all the data. This technique eliminates the need to spread information about network changes to every node in the network. The individual node only saves information about the "direction" it received data from and sends its data accordingly. The data gets passed from node to node, and packets get individual, dynamically created routes. A network of collective intelligence is created.
Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network The AREDN® acronym stands for “Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network” and it provides a way for Amateur Radio operators to create high-speed ad hoc Data Networks for use in Emergency and service-oriented communications.

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